
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Happy Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday, December 2nd!

I hope you had a great holiday this past week! Even though we had a week off, we are coming back strong and doing great things in 2nd grade. In math this week, we are learning the basic steps to multiplication and division. Keep a look out for homework that will be coming home on Mondays and Wednesdays. In Language arts we are reviewing how to summarize the texts. Ask your student to summarize their day for you or a book that they are reading. In Social Studies we are learning all about local, state, and national landmarks.

We will participate in the Hour of Code global event December 8th-14th 2014!

Parents, please be aware that MAP testing will be happening for the next two weeks. Math will be this week, and reading will be next week. Please make sure your student gets extra sleep and eats a healthy breakfast. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving- Tour the States Music Video

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving break is here!  The first round of parent/teacher conferences are wrapping up; however, if you were unable to attend your conference, contact your child's teacher to reschedule.  They will make time to meet with you.

Triple digit subtraction is in full swing.  This is a very hard for our students to understand, so please help them at home.  View this video to see one of the ways we are teaching this skill.

Triple Digit Subtraction Video

My students love this video about taking a trip to all 50 States!  If you are traveling over this holiday, enjoy and be safe.

Tour the States - Official Music Video

Happy Holidays to all of our Christie Cubs!!

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10-14

Students had a great time this past week in IC!!  We discussed reasons why people might want to change their physical environment.  Their mission was to build a bridge between two desks that we tested with a toy car.  It was fun watching their creativeness shine!

 This week, in Math we are going to be working on three-digit addition and start three-digit subtraction.  It is important to keep working on the addition and subtraction fact fluency at home to help your child.

Just a reminder, that we will have tutoring the 11th and 18th of November, but no tutoring on the 25th of November. Also, second grade conferences start this week.  I look forward to meeting with all of you!

"You learn something every day if you pay attention." ~Ray LeBlond

Friday, October 31, 2014

November Conferences & More Classroom Updates

Hello hard to believe it's November. Where did the year go?  We are looking forward to conferencing with you in two weeks, Nov. 11-14th!

 This first week in November we will continue to work on map skills. The students will learn to locate important places on the map.  Google Earth is a favorite way to
explore and kids love it. We will also discuss how people change our physical environment, this will involve a Mind Mission which is always fun.

 In Math we will continue to work on subtraction with two-digit numbers.  We will also teach the students how to subtract using a number-line and how we use addition
to check subtraction.

 In Reading we will continue to discuss community hero's. Our focus will be on inferencing.  This involves helping  the students understand the story by using text clues and pictures, as well as what they already know.

 Have a wonderful week, and thank you for all your support !

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Classroom Learning & Field Day

Hello Parents!

We have lots of exciting things going on in 2nd grade this week!  We will be learning about cause and effect this week in reading, adding two digit numbers in math, and learning about the continents and oceans in IC!  We will also be learning about our continent, country, and state.  Ask your child what they have learned about each of these topics!
Also, this Friday, October 24th is Field Day!  We are all excited about this day and want to give you a few reminders to help the day go more smoothly.

·         Please have students wear tennis shoes-NO SANDALS or FLIP FLOPS!

·         No jewelry

·         Apply sunscreen

·         Students may bring a hat

·         An extra change of clothes or a towel with a plastic bag for wet clothes

·         Sack lunch (or pre order a sack lunch from the cafeteria)

·         No tank tops

We are looking forward to field day and expect a fun filled day! Our field day will be from 12:00-2:15 and our lunch will be from 10:20-10:40.

Field Day

Tomorrow is Field Day at Christie Elementary School!  Field day is always a BLAST!  Here is our schedule for tomorrow:

7:30-10:20  We will be in our classroom
10:20-10:40 Lunch in our classroom
We can pick up "to go" lunches in the cafeteria, but won't be able to eat there.
10:40-11:55 We will be in our classroom

Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade start Field Day!

1. Put sunscreen on your kids at home in the morning, we cannot put it on them at school. 

2.  Send a towel with them to school and a disposable water bottle.

3.  If they are staying for PASAR or day care send a change of clothes just in case they get wet.

4.  Friday would be a good day to bring a lunch!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Parent Conferences, Spirit Assembly & Design Challenge

Hello Parents! 

This week we are continuing our venture into double digit addition and subtraction. Students are using a 1-100 chart to figure out the equations. Be sure to ask them questions and quiz them to encourage their learning! 

We have our first school wide design challenge this week.  All design challenges will occur on Spirit Assembly days. Our first challenge will be this Friday.  Students will design, create, and improve their own bubble wand.  With Field Day coming up Friday, October 24th, the coordinators want to save money, by having students make their own bubble wands.

On Wednesday, November 12th I will be having my parent conferences. Look next week for the sign-up sheet, as times will be given on a first come basis. If you are unable to meet on the 12th, I will have some slots available for afternoon times between November 4th-11th. 

Our first assembly will be this Friday, October 17th at 8:00 a.m. Students are invited  to dress in something they think is awesome (tell them no scary Halloween costumes and nothing with masks). Ideas: Superhero, cool clothes, book character, favorite animal, favorite food…anything awesome.

 For those of you who are new to Christie, Our spirit assemblies are a blast and a really big deal. I hope to see some of you there. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Two-Digit Addition

We have moved on from money in math and are now delving into two- digit addition using different strategies such as the hundreds chart, ten frames, and place value.  Have your child explain to you how they came up with the answer when working on these strategies at home.

Tutoring is now in full swing.  It will be held every Tuesday.  Keep an eye out for a tutoring slip from your child because it is flexible tutoring this year.  I plan on keeping the same group of kids for now.  I will let you know if I no longer need your child to attend tutoring.  

The Health museum was fantastic!  The students were engaged and did an excellent job on their displays. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Money and Museums!

Money and Museums!


This week in math, we are working on money! We are practicing identifying coins and adding them up. Please try to find some ways around the house to help your child practice this skill!

In IC, we are creating a health museum! We will be studying topics like how to keep your teeth healthy, safety rules, healthy eating, and keeping your skin healthy. Ask your student what they have been learning about!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Suggested Home Enrichment

It has been a great school year!  Last week students worked hard with place value and numbers up to 1,200.  This week we will compare numbers and learn to locate numbers on a number line.  We will also learn the symbols for greater than, less than, and equal to.  Students complete activity pages daily.  Any pages that are not completed will be sent home as a suggested home practice.  


Research shows that it is important for children to read at least 20 minutes per day.  We suggest that you have your child do this daily and write the minutes read in their calendars.


We will have our second Mind Mission challenge this week.  Be sure to ask your child what it is?

                                         Sample of Math Workbook Pages

Monday, September 8, 2014

Math in Action!

Hi Parents!

Our 2nd week in 2nd grade has been amazing! Students are learning the rules and are showing that they are great citizens.

As sad as we are to have lost Mrs. Ramsey, we are very, very excited to have our new students. Thank you all for being flexible with this change and helpful through their transitions.

On another note, a free program through the City of Plano is starting at our local library, Schimelpfenig. The program is called MATH in Action, and is for 2nd-4th graders who are struggling with math concepts according to PISD standards. They have Scholastic workbooks the kids get to take home and a plethora of math manipulatives and games for the students to actively engage in math during the program. This is a perfect program for students as our math standards have changed this year and are harder than years before.

To sign up, you can register online through their website ( or give them a call at Schimelpfenig Library (972-769-4200).

Monday, September 1, 2014

Carpool Changes

Carpool Changes
In an effort to better serve our families, and increase the safety and speed of our dismissal… We are implementing a new carpool system for grades K, 3, 4, and 5 in the front of the building. First and second grade will stay the same in the south parking lot. When you come to pick up your student(s) the teacher calling cars will say your child’s name, and then Station 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. All six stations are south of the crosswalk and will be clearly marked. Each station will have a teacher ready to help your child into your vehicle. Today was the first day of trying this system, and we were completely finished within 21 minutes. Yesterday’s dismissal took a total of 26 minutes, so we are encouraged about today’s results as a first try.
Kindergarten walkers will still be picked up in the north parking lot. Second grade walkers will now be picked up in the south parking lot.
Thank you so much for your support as we continue to try and improve dismissal.
Christie Elementary

Ryan Steele

Christie Elementary 

Off to a Great Start…

Second grade kicked off with great success this past week. We want to thank all parents and guardians for remaining flexible as the school amends dismissal procedures to better serve all of Christie. Also, we want to extend another thank you to those whom participated in Discovery Tech Night. Envision, our new Math curriculum, also began this week with positive feedback from both teachers and students. 

This week, Second graders will begin testing in both Math and Reading, so teachers and administrators can attain a strong baseline for the needs of each child. We would love to see each student come to school with a well rested mind and a healthy snack. 

Below are some of the books we read together as a class last week.  These books will set the climate for our class this year, as well as introduce classroom routines and rules.  In Social Studies we are learning the characteristics of a good citizen, and students worked hard to set up their Integrated Curriculum notebooks.  These notebooks will be used for note taking in science and social studies.  Math found us diving right into addition and subtraction math facts using the doubles and making ten strategies.  Math worksheets went home with your students on Friday.  Please review these worksheets with your child and complete what was not finished in class. 

You're Finally Here! was used as a humorous way to welcome students back to school.

The Recess Queen helped us learn indoor and outdoor recess rules.

We also read the following two books written by Kevin Henkes: 
 Wemberly Worried- deals with feeling nervous

Chrysanthemum- celebrates diversity and teaches kindness

Click on this link to learn more about the author Kevin Henkes.   Kevin Henkes

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Parent Newsletter

First Week of School

Here is the link to our Second Grade Website

Welcome to Second Grade and to the first week of school at Christie Elementary. This week students will become familiar with their classroom routines, daily schedule, and best of all, meet new friends and classmates. 

Back to School Night is on Wednesday, August 27th, at 5:45 where parents will receive in depth information on our new online Discovery Education Techbook. Additionally, be on the lookout for handouts and essential school paperwork so we can all get the year started with ease. 

I am so excited for the students in Second Grade and for those in Mrs. Nachman’s class... It will be a great year!

Sandy Nachman