
Monday, February 27, 2017

Reading is Elementary: Figure 19 is A Killer!

      I am reading Strategies That Work by the authors of the Comprehension Tool Kit, Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis.  My metacognitive thinking led me to search information on figure 19 with STAAR looming around the corner.  I have come to the conclusion that we must have high reading comprehension standard expectations as early as kindergarten to help our kids embrace and love reading.  They will follow our lead.  If you're struggling, try the comprehension tool kit strategies out on yourself with an adult book.  It really works.  Once you believe and have a passion for it, your kids will hop on board!

Reading is Elementary: Figure 19 is A Killer!: Maybe I've been watching too many court shows, but whenever I hear an educator refer to Figure 19, I immediately think of a lawyer submi...