
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week 5 Flew By!

Week 5 flew by! In Language Arts we introduced letter writing. Students wrote a letter to someone in school who’s made a difference. Shout out to Mr. Steele, Ms. Kelly, Mrs. McGlamery, Uriel, Mr. Svatek, and the First Grade Teachers:  our students appreciate everything you do for them! In Social Studies we continued to demonstrate our American Patriotism. We introduced the U.S. Constitution and watched a very interesting video. During Math block we learned all about place value. The Hot Tamales O’s were a big hit this week! We created a place value foldable and used place value blocks to demonstrate different ways to make a number. Students were able to demonstrate place value in standard form, expanded form, and word form. Science really rocked this week! We reviewed natural resources and introduced rocks and minerals. Students enjoyed a nature walk around the school and collected rocks, identified rock properties during our rock observations in the classrooms and in the Learning Commons. Students explored a variety of rocks through station rotation in the LC and referred to our 2nd grade rock bulletin in order to identify the various rock properties. Science was not dull at all this week! It’s all smooth sailing from this week on!

September 17 was Constitution Day.  Here’s the link to the new 2015-2016 Constitution Day video, which features students from Christie, Carpenter, Clark, and Plano Senior HS.  

Constitution Day video (length --  5:00):

Watch the video below-  One of my favorites from the 1970's!