
Monday, May 4, 2015

Reading MAP & Last Parent Newsletter

Hi Parents!

We officially have 5 weeks left until summer! These next couple of weeks we will be doing a lot of testing in second grade. We have reading MAP this week and math MAP next week.

This week in math: We are working towards getting the students ready for third grade. We are spiraling back around and covering topics from the beginning of the year like place value, adding and subtracting in the hundreds place, and number sense.

In Reading this week: We are working on comparing and contrasting as well as problem and solution. However, our main focus is the MAP test. Please make sure that they are getting a good night sleep and eating a good breakfast.

In other news, our last parent newsletter went home on Monday. Pay attention to the dates, as we have lots of fun and important things coming up at the end of the year!

I just posted my Sign Up Genius page for end of the year parent conferences.  Here is the link to the sign up page

This link will also be sent to you be email.