
Friday, October 31, 2014

November Conferences & More Classroom Updates

Hello hard to believe it's November. Where did the year go?  We are looking forward to conferencing with you in two weeks, Nov. 11-14th!

 This first week in November we will continue to work on map skills. The students will learn to locate important places on the map.  Google Earth is a favorite way to
explore and kids love it. We will also discuss how people change our physical environment, this will involve a Mind Mission which is always fun.

 In Math we will continue to work on subtraction with two-digit numbers.  We will also teach the students how to subtract using a number-line and how we use addition
to check subtraction.

 In Reading we will continue to discuss community hero's. Our focus will be on inferencing.  This involves helping  the students understand the story by using text clues and pictures, as well as what they already know.

 Have a wonderful week, and thank you for all your support !