
Monday, September 1, 2014

Carpool Changes

Carpool Changes
In an effort to better serve our families, and increase the safety and speed of our dismissal… We are implementing a new carpool system for grades K, 3, 4, and 5 in the front of the building. First and second grade will stay the same in the south parking lot. When you come to pick up your student(s) the teacher calling cars will say your child’s name, and then Station 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. All six stations are south of the crosswalk and will be clearly marked. Each station will have a teacher ready to help your child into your vehicle. Today was the first day of trying this system, and we were completely finished within 21 minutes. Yesterday’s dismissal took a total of 26 minutes, so we are encouraged about today’s results as a first try.
Kindergarten walkers will still be picked up in the north parking lot. Second grade walkers will now be picked up in the south parking lot.
Thank you so much for your support as we continue to try and improve dismissal.
Christie Elementary

Ryan Steele

Christie Elementary 

Off to a Great Start…

Second grade kicked off with great success this past week. We want to thank all parents and guardians for remaining flexible as the school amends dismissal procedures to better serve all of Christie. Also, we want to extend another thank you to those whom participated in Discovery Tech Night. Envision, our new Math curriculum, also began this week with positive feedback from both teachers and students. 

This week, Second graders will begin testing in both Math and Reading, so teachers and administrators can attain a strong baseline for the needs of each child. We would love to see each student come to school with a well rested mind and a healthy snack. 

Below are some of the books we read together as a class last week.  These books will set the climate for our class this year, as well as introduce classroom routines and rules.  In Social Studies we are learning the characteristics of a good citizen, and students worked hard to set up their Integrated Curriculum notebooks.  These notebooks will be used for note taking in science and social studies.  Math found us diving right into addition and subtraction math facts using the doubles and making ten strategies.  Math worksheets went home with your students on Friday.  Please review these worksheets with your child and complete what was not finished in class. 

You're Finally Here! was used as a humorous way to welcome students back to school.

The Recess Queen helped us learn indoor and outdoor recess rules.

We also read the following two books written by Kevin Henkes: 
 Wemberly Worried- deals with feeling nervous

Chrysanthemum- celebrates diversity and teaches kindness

Click on this link to learn more about the author Kevin Henkes.   Kevin Henkes