
Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcome Back to School!

Hi Parents!

I hope that you had a wonderful time with your students on break. I really missed them!
Please remember to send your child to school with a coat and snack.  It’s going to be very cold for the next couple of months and 7:00 to 12:30 is a long time to go without any food. 

In math this week we are focusing on fractions! Keep an eye out for items at home that are cut into halves, fourths, and eighths and ask your child to identify what fraction it is.
In reading we are working on cause and effect. Keep up with those reading logs! For at home enrichment, you can have your child write about something that happened during the day.  Instruct them to keep their writing focus on the cause and effects surrounding their experience.    
No tutoring this week!
Tutoring will start on the 13th of January and last until 4:30.