
Friday, January 16, 2015

Week of January 19th

Reminder: NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY, time to celebrate MLK

Tuesday, January 20th  is tutoring until 4:30 p.m.

Tuesday, January 20th is Christie Parent Technology Night 5:30-6:30 P.M.

Thursday, January 29th  is PTA Arts Night

In Language Arts we've been learning about cause and effect, drawing conclusions, and main idea. When your child reads, take a minute when their done and ask them what happened in the story and what was the effect of that event. Or ask them what was the "Main Idea" of the book/story.

In Math we are learning about fractions and the kids are getting it. The students appear to like fractions. We have covered halves, fourths, eighths, and whole parts.  Heads up we will finish up with fractions and begin geometry.

In IC we wrapped up patriotism with several videos of the kids singing patriotic songs. The songs will be aired on the morning announcements as time permits. 

Our new unit is about our government. Your student is learning about our local, state and federal government.

Thanks for keeping up with your kids through our second grade blog.