
Friday, August 28, 2015

Our First Week of School

We survived the first week! Everyone take a deep breath and have a fantastic weekend... but before you do, let me tell you a little about our first week of school.

Little known fact: Teachers are even nervous for the first day of school. I had my lesson plans, pens, sticky notes, pencils, and lunch all packed up by 5:30 pm the night before.

I was able to share this with the class on the first day of school by reading "First Day Jitters", which is a story that does not show the face of the main character until the very last page. She goes through all the happy, nervous, excited, jittery jitters that the first day brings. She finally gets out of bed, ready for school, and is accompanied to her classroom by the principal to meet her class. The students thought it was so funny the jittery girl ended up being the teacher! They laughed for a good long while about that one. I shared with them that I was feeling many of the same first day feelings they were and that we are all in this together.

We shared many stories, such as "Recess Queen" and "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?", to help us set the stage for what our classroom, hallway, and overall school behavior and words should look like and sound like. We have practiced routines a great deal too. 

In Language Arts/Social Studies we have been talking about being a good citizen, which will continue in to next week. We have also read several Folktales and Fables and written about how it feels to be a 2nd grader and what their summers looked like.

In Math we have been practicing addition facts up to 10. One of our most popular stations included 10 Go Fish (think making 10 with your cards, instead of matching pairs of numbers) and ST Math on the computers. They are getting better and better at logging themselves in as each day passes!

If you haven't heard about our Science this week then I am probably not doing my job! Two words: WHIRLY GIG! The kids have LOVED this project. We are learning what it means to be a scientist and how they often have many failures before they come to a solution/succeed. We spent the first part of the week exploring the materials and drawing diagrams. These past few days we started and completed the building process. What these kids can make with just a cup, lid, rubber band, paper clip, and a wooden skewer have blown me away! I look forward to many more opportunities, such as this, to share with the class.

Looking forward to a great year!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

2015: Welcome to Second Grade!

"Meet The Teacher" night was fantastic! I enjoyed seeing all the parents and smiling students in the halls.  

It is now time for the first week of school.  Classes begin Monday August  24th.  Please excuse our construction, but our school was in need of some updating. It will look fantastic when it is finally completed.  This week students and teachers will be getting to know each other and going over the rules and expectations of the classroom and school. Homework will begin the second week of school and will include reading 20 minutes every day and math problems Monday through Thursday.  I will be sending home my contact information soon so do not hesitate to call or e-mail me if you have any questions or concerns.

It is going to be a great school year and I am looking forward to working with your child!

Mrs. Nachman