
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The next two days will be filled with some fun activities and I wanted to send out some schedule changes to keep you informed.  Tomorrow, Thursday, December 17th is our Winter Party from 1:30 pm- 2:30 pm.  Due to the party, 2nd grade will be having lunch at 11:00 am.  

 Another important reminder is that Friday December 18th is an early release day.  Be sure to be at Christie by 12:00 pm to pick up your child.  I am sure you will be receiving some reminder phone calls from Mr. Steele.  

Thank you parents for everything you do!  Enjoy your time with your family and I will see your children back in the New Year (Tuesday, January 5th). 

Have a great break!!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Hour of Code Week

For the following week, across over 150 countries, millions of people will try out computer programming for the first time as part of Computer Science Education Week. Anyone can learn to code, including myself, you and your child! The Hour of Code is an hour-long introduction to computer programming that’s both fun and free. 

Christie will be participating on Friday, December 11th from 1:00- 2:30 pm. Hope you can join us and come to code with your student!

November 16 - December 4

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with their family and/or friends. I enjoyed mine. :)

Let's catch up, shall we?

The week before Thanksgiving was filled with engineering excitement! After exploring each stage of the engineering design process (Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create, and Improve), the projects were solely student lead and constructed. It was amazing to see their brains churning with ideas.

Each group began with the same "Ask", which was based on two TEKS (The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills state standards):
TEKS2.5D Combine materials that when put together can do things that they cannot do by themselves.
TEKS 2.3A: Identify a problem and propose a task and solution for the problem.

While the Ask stage looked similar, the groups moved on to the Imagine stage where they brainstormed by themselves what their engineering project would look like.
Once the students imagined, I created groups based on similar ideas. Authentic collaboration began as they agreed to disagree and made one Plan encompassing all of their ideas, or as they students would call it, a diagram. This is the stage where their ideas transferred from their imaginations to paper. They drew diagrams of their projects and made lists of materials they would like to use when the time came to create.  They learned about constraints like not enough time, lack of materials, and short on funds (money).  All real world issues!!  Next,  the class began the Create stage of the engineering process the very next day. Most of their supplies consisted of tape, cardboard, markers, string, cotton balls, plastic bags, scissors, and small box-like containers.  I got to clean out my garage of all of the recycled materials I had collected!!

I think almost the entire class would say that the Create stage was the most fun stage of the process! The students were able to bring their plans to life and see what worked and what needed to be changed. This is also the stage where they realized how important our Christie core value of being resilient is when engineering. You all sure do have some of the hardest working and opinionated 7 and 8 year olds I've ever met!
Last, but certainly not least, came the final stage of the Engineering Process: Improve. This provided a time for the students to make changes and/or improvements to their projects in any areas they saw fit. Some of my students were still making improvements during the eExpo! They did not want to stop!

Thank you to all of our friends and family who joined us for the eExpo. We had a blast sharing our creations with you and are so appreciative of your support! :)

The week after Thanksgiving had us working ourselves back in to the groove of school life. 

In Language Arts/Social Studies we studied:

  •  r-controlled vowels (ear, eer, ere), for example: here, fear, cheer, deer, dear, steer
  •  homophones- a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning, and may differ in spelling. The words may be spelled the same, such as rose (flower) and rose (past tense of "rise"), or differently, such as carat, caret, and carrot, or to, two, and too.
  • Expository Writing about Plano's motto/logo for this school year "Make Your Mark", which focused on how a community hero has made a mark on the students' lives through their words and actions. The students also added  how they will carry on that hero's legacy. (These turned out to be so sweet and I cannot wait to share them with you at middle of the year parent-teacher conferences at the end of January/beginning of February. This date has yet to be announced.)


We are continuing to challenge ourselves in Math with that "regrouping" word! The students have been hard at work adding 3 digit numbers. One of our lessons even challenged us to use mental math to solve the 3 digit addition problems! 


In Science we read "Juan Daniel's Futbol Frog", which is a story about a young boy who discovered a lost frog at his futbol (soccer for Americans) game in El Salvador outside of the rain forest. Juan Daniel's new frog friend is in trouble and the boy engineers a membrane to keep the frog alive. Over the next few weeks, we will be learning about how membranes function and applying our knowledge of the needs of a basic living organism. The class will split up in to small groups this week and next to study the "membrane" of a raisin in different elements and then go on to design their own frog habitat with a model membrane that delivers the appropriate amount of water for Juan Daniel's frog friend. Stay tuned for more on this!


* Hour of Code: Friday, December 11- 1:00- 2:00 pm
* 2nd Grade Winter Party: Thursday, December 17- 1:30- 2:30 pm
* End of 2nd 9 Weeks Assembly: 8:00 am for K-2 on Friday, December 18
* Early Release (12:00 pm) Friday, December 18
* Winter Break: December 21- January 4
* Student Holiday/Teacher Work Day: Monday, January 4, 2016
* Classes resume on Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A letter will be coming home this week with a designated item for your child to bring for the Winter Party on Thursday, December 17th.

Weeks 10 & 11

Language Arts/Social Studies

  • Long O (toast, told, soap, most, foam) 
  • Long U (mule, bugle, fuse, tune, June, music, duke, bowl, goes) 

  • Maps:
- regions of Texas (Coastal Plains, Great Plains, Central Plains, Basin and Mountain)
- our surrounding states (New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arkansas)
- the country of Mexico
- Rio Grande River
- Gulf of Mexico
- cardinal directions (North, South, East, West)
- compass rose
- map key


Double digit addition with regrouping ("carrying the one"). Please practice, practice, practice at home! If your child is progressing with this concept try triple digit addition with regrouping!


Space Unit: We are learning about how the position 0f the Earth in the solar system affects conditions on Earth. We have made our own constellations of stars as well as learned about the phases of our moon! We have come up with some crazy "I wonder" statements and are even starting to take notes like the AVID program uses  in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades! 

Thursday, November 12th
  • Book Fair as a class (students who bring money in an envelope or plastic baggie can go shop without the class before Thursday)
  • 6:00- 6:30 pm- PTA Meeting for parents in the cafeteria and pajama read aloud for students in the gym
  • 6:30- 7:30pm- Special Night time Book Fair shopportunity (shopping opportunity)! :)

See you Monday with crazy hair for the Book Fair because Christie Cubs are WiLd and CrAzY about reading!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

eEXPO time!

Field Day Postponed Until Late Spring!

Christie Families,

          After much deliberation we have decided to postpone Field Day until late spring. With the forecast of heavy rain this afternoon, as well as a high ranging between 54-57 degrees during the morning Field Day events; we don’t feel it would be a safe environment for our students. As many of you know, Field Day often includes water games as well as other fun activities that would not be able to take place with tomorrow’s weather. We want to thank you for understanding, and we look forward to having this event later on this year! 

Christie Elementary 

November PTA Newsletter

Field Day Rescheduled!


Due to the forecast calling for heavy rain tomorrow, field day will be postponed until next Friday. Unfortunately, at this time, it looks like it may rain next week as well. If it rains heavily starting on Wednesday of next week, we will once again postpone field day until May. We want to thank you all so much for your understanding – fingers crossed we have a sunny week next week!

Christie Elementary 

Week 9

Week 9

This week was full of fun! The best part was that Mrs. Nachman got some new dry erase surfaces for us to write on during small group. They are now stuck to the table so everyone has a space to write when we get our time with her. We especially love to write on them during our small group math time!

This week in Math we learned how to subtract by tens using the strategy of counting back by ten each time to find our answer. We have also started to count up by tens and then ones once we get in to the 90's until we reach 100. For example: 62+ __ = 100..... We count up by 10's until we reach the nineties (72, 82, 92) ... then once our set of ten is in the nineties, we add ones until we get to 100. So for this example we would add 1 for 93, 2 for 94, 3 for 95, 4 for 96, 5 for 97, 6 for 98, 7 for 99, and 8 for 100. Ok, I know that sounds confusing, but to make it more simple you would see that we added 3 sets of 10 (aka 30) and 8 ones. 30 and 8 is 38, therefore, 62+38=100. Still confused? I know... it was hard to write out. 

Here is a visual with a different number as an example with the tens rods and ones drawn out and labeled:

I hope that makes sense! If not, I would be happy to explain it to you in more detail so that you can better help your child to understand. We did the same lesson 2 days in a row to hopefully ensure understanding. (Our class rocks at Math this year, by the way!) I think that is their favorite time of day even if they tell you it is specials or recess! :)

In Language Arts/Social Studies, we wrote about a time when we had fun in Texas and worked on our Long I words (light, sight, mind, cry, tie, high, wild, dry, try, lie) and the different spelling patterns that make up the Long I sound. We also learned more about our continent of North America, more specifically, the United States and the climate patterns of our country. We also talked about the importance of the compass rose and what a legend can tell us. 

Science was all about wrapping up our weather unit this week. We reviewed making weather predictions, the water cycle, and even created an advertisement to try to persuade someone in another area to move to Texas.

This week was not all about academics though, we ended it with a fun end of the 9 weeks assembly where our very own Fly Guy pumpkin was voted to represent our class on the stage at the assembly! 

 Mrs. Nachman got wrapped up in toilet paper like a mummy!

Next week is Red Ribbon Week. Each day has a dress up theme and we would love for you to participate! Also, Friday is Field Day!

 I know it was a long post, but thank you for sticking with me. There was just so much information to share! Have a great weekend!

Week 8

It has been another exciting week in 2nd grade!  

Language Arts/Social Studies:
The students learned about cause and effect and making connections with the text to help monitor their comprehension.  The students also got a chance to draw a picture of Chester the pig.  You may not know Chester, but he is special and unique. The marks on his body take the shape of the continents.  After learning about the 7 continents, students labeled them and the 5 oceans.  

Students are rocking place value in Math.  They are using their knowledge of place value to help them add numbers.  Keep working with your child with fact addition and subtraction fluency.  This will really help them as the numbers become larger. 

Don’t you know that water travels in a cycle?  2nd grade does.  We are still studying weather and this week our focus has been more about the water cycle.  The weather outside has been wonderful.  It is a great opportunity to take your child outside and make some observations.

Thank you parents for attending conferences and donating materials for Friday’s design challenge.  The students had a lot of fun!!  Be expecting to see their fantastic work at the Spirit Assembly next week. 

Here is a sneak peak:

Upcoming Important Dates:

Thursday, October 22- Citizen of the Month at 2:00pm in the Learning Commons (Theme: Resilient)

Friday, October 23- Spirit Assembly at 8:00 am for K-2nd

Monday, October 26- Picture Retakes

October 26- October 30- Red Ribbon Week

Friday, October 30- Field Day

Week 7

Language Arts/Social Studies:

This week was all about Non-Fiction Text Features in Language Arts and Social Studies. We have found many of these features in just about every book and magazine we flip through! We even got to make our own book about the features. See pictures below.

Please help me out by helping to point these out to your child at home during reading or if you see them in a newspaper or magazine. When these things relate to real life circumstances they are more likely to commit them to memory and use the vocabulary!

In Math this week we ordered numbers, learned about the greater and less than symbols, and even played a game where we had to exchange the cards we drew, taking turns with a partner, to try to order our cards from least to greatest.


Our weather unit is still going strong! This week we learned about appropriate transportation, attire, and activities for each season. We have also been making weather observations outside. I think we all agree that is does NOT feel like October outside! We will continue to observe the weather next week as well as making our very own Water Cycle. Stay tuned!


Monday is Parent-Teacher conferences for you and I and a Holiday for the students. See you Monday! (Your reminder with the time is in your child's folder today)

New Christie PTA Newsletter

Check it out: 


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Week Six

Wow! I can't believe it has already been 6 weeks and it's October! Time feels like it is going fast. This week we learned so much. Let's take walk through all the fun things we learned.

In reading/social studies, it was a review week. We read a fun story about mixed breed dogs, and discussed the main characters, setting, and plot. Our students were so smart; they even answered some tough questions about the story to show they understood what they read. We read a poem that was written by a 10 year old from Khazakhstan about kindness. Next, our students got to share by writing about a time that someone was kind to them and helped them with something. It was great to read about how they felt when a family member, friend, coach, etc. helped them out! Then in social studies, we talked about good citizens such as Thurgood Marshall. This week we will dive into our first mind mission. It involves going back in time to the Revolutionary War.  Students are challenged to think about Paul Revere’s mission.  They have to come up with ways to devise a daytime signal to communicate the arrival of the British "by land" and "by sea". Our students are encouraged to collaborate and to think out of the box!

Math was a blast. We finished up working with place value. Students worked really hard to figure out different ways to make 125 using different types of place value blocks. There was some great teamwork involved! Then we started talking about the number line and understanding how to figure out what numbers are missing on the number line. Students had to think about where the numbers started and what the patterns were. They continue to persevere!

Science was a BLAST! We are continuing to be earth experts by studying the weather. We are in the process of learning how to collect data on the weather. Mr. Steele surprised us with a video by giving us a mission. He wants us to figure out how to communicate information about weather. 

We began our mission by learning about the different tools used for weather, students got to rotate to different teachers to make some tools. We made a rain gauge, a thermometer, and a wind vane. Teamwork and creativity were evident throughout all of second grade. We are rock stars! 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Important reminder:

NO School Monday, October 12 (Parent/Teacher Conference Day)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week 5 Flew By!

Week 5 flew by! In Language Arts we introduced letter writing. Students wrote a letter to someone in school who’s made a difference. Shout out to Mr. Steele, Ms. Kelly, Mrs. McGlamery, Uriel, Mr. Svatek, and the First Grade Teachers:  our students appreciate everything you do for them! In Social Studies we continued to demonstrate our American Patriotism. We introduced the U.S. Constitution and watched a very interesting video. During Math block we learned all about place value. The Hot Tamales O’s were a big hit this week! We created a place value foldable and used place value blocks to demonstrate different ways to make a number. Students were able to demonstrate place value in standard form, expanded form, and word form. Science really rocked this week! We reviewed natural resources and introduced rocks and minerals. Students enjoyed a nature walk around the school and collected rocks, identified rock properties during our rock observations in the classrooms and in the Learning Commons. Students explored a variety of rocks through station rotation in the LC and referred to our 2nd grade rock bulletin in order to identify the various rock properties. Science was not dull at all this week! It’s all smooth sailing from this week on!

September 17 was Constitution Day.  Here’s the link to the new 2015-2016 Constitution Day video, which features students from Christie, Carpenter, Clark, and Plano Senior HS.  

Constitution Day video (length --  5:00):

Watch the video below-  One of my favorites from the 1970's! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week 4 was Anything But a Bore!

Week 4 was anything but a bore!  
We sang patriotic songs during our Language Arts and Social Studies time; we discussed fact families in math and who can forget about our awesome Earth experts making observations during science?  So many great things are happening within our classroom AND in our school garden.  Did you know we have a thriving ecosystem right next to our school?  Well, we do and we love observing nature and it’s entire splendor.  Especially since “Scientist” is our name and “observing” is our game.  It’s what we do.  Here’s a picture of one of our Earth experts taking notes in his Science notebook; just one of the many wonderful things happening here.  Stay tuned for more news next week! 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Diving into Curriculum Week 3

Three weeks in and we are getting in to the groove of our routine and really diving into curriculum!

This week in Language Arts and Social Studies we have been reading, researching, and learning about our country's national symbols as well as our Texas state symbols. This unit on citizenship could not have come at a better time than right here around Patriot Day (September 11th). We are still distinguishing Texas symbols from those symbols that represent the United States of America, but we are having a blast with them!

Here are a few of our symbols from an assignment we did with our Social Studies books:

In Math we are continuing to work on Addition and Subtraction using different strategies. Next week we will be wrapping up Unit 1 and preparing for Unit 2, which will include Place Value so stay tuned for that the week after next!

We have learned to be Super Safe Scientists in Science this week. Our Science Notebooks are finally set up for the year. After learning about what makes a good Scientist last week we were ready to move on. We have signed our Science Safety Contract, made a Title Page, All About the Author Page, and practiced Making Observations. 

Below are a few examples of our Making Observations pages.  We observed a pencil using a hand lens.

Making Observation entries:

Thank you for joining us at Watch Dog Pizza Night on Thursday. We look forward to seeing more of you again soon. 

Tuesday Morning at 7:30 is Coffee with Mr. Steele for all parents. This is an excellent time to get any and all Christie related questions answered straight from our great principal himself! 

Other upcoming important dates:

Thursday, 9/17- 
Kindness Initiative Assembly at 8:00 a.m. for Kindergarten-2nd

Citizen of the Month in the Learning Commons at 2:00 p.m.

Monday, 9/21- Individual Picture Day