
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Week 7

Language Arts/Social Studies:

This week was all about Non-Fiction Text Features in Language Arts and Social Studies. We have found many of these features in just about every book and magazine we flip through! We even got to make our own book about the features. See pictures below.

Please help me out by helping to point these out to your child at home during reading or if you see them in a newspaper or magazine. When these things relate to real life circumstances they are more likely to commit them to memory and use the vocabulary!

In Math this week we ordered numbers, learned about the greater and less than symbols, and even played a game where we had to exchange the cards we drew, taking turns with a partner, to try to order our cards from least to greatest.


Our weather unit is still going strong! This week we learned about appropriate transportation, attire, and activities for each season. We have also been making weather observations outside. I think we all agree that is does NOT feel like October outside! We will continue to observe the weather next week as well as making our very own Water Cycle. Stay tuned!


Monday is Parent-Teacher conferences for you and I and a Holiday for the students. See you Monday! (Your reminder with the time is in your child's folder today)

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