
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Week 9

Week 9

This week was full of fun! The best part was that Mrs. Nachman got some new dry erase surfaces for us to write on during small group. They are now stuck to the table so everyone has a space to write when we get our time with her. We especially love to write on them during our small group math time!

This week in Math we learned how to subtract by tens using the strategy of counting back by ten each time to find our answer. We have also started to count up by tens and then ones once we get in to the 90's until we reach 100. For example: 62+ __ = 100..... We count up by 10's until we reach the nineties (72, 82, 92) ... then once our set of ten is in the nineties, we add ones until we get to 100. So for this example we would add 1 for 93, 2 for 94, 3 for 95, 4 for 96, 5 for 97, 6 for 98, 7 for 99, and 8 for 100. Ok, I know that sounds confusing, but to make it more simple you would see that we added 3 sets of 10 (aka 30) and 8 ones. 30 and 8 is 38, therefore, 62+38=100. Still confused? I know... it was hard to write out. 

Here is a visual with a different number as an example with the tens rods and ones drawn out and labeled:

I hope that makes sense! If not, I would be happy to explain it to you in more detail so that you can better help your child to understand. We did the same lesson 2 days in a row to hopefully ensure understanding. (Our class rocks at Math this year, by the way!) I think that is their favorite time of day even if they tell you it is specials or recess! :)

In Language Arts/Social Studies, we wrote about a time when we had fun in Texas and worked on our Long I words (light, sight, mind, cry, tie, high, wild, dry, try, lie) and the different spelling patterns that make up the Long I sound. We also learned more about our continent of North America, more specifically, the United States and the climate patterns of our country. We also talked about the importance of the compass rose and what a legend can tell us. 

Science was all about wrapping up our weather unit this week. We reviewed making weather predictions, the water cycle, and even created an advertisement to try to persuade someone in another area to move to Texas.

This week was not all about academics though, we ended it with a fun end of the 9 weeks assembly where our very own Fly Guy pumpkin was voted to represent our class on the stage at the assembly! 

 Mrs. Nachman got wrapped up in toilet paper like a mummy!

Next week is Red Ribbon Week. Each day has a dress up theme and we would love for you to participate! Also, Friday is Field Day!

 I know it was a long post, but thank you for sticking with me. There was just so much information to share! Have a great weekend!

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